Concept of Business Communication

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Concept of Business Communication

Category: Business

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The concept of Business Communication Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation The concept of Business Communication: Leadership and Communication In the modern era of growing digitalization, communication has become a critical aspect of business success. Notably, companies hire employees with resilient communication skills to promote both persuasion and responsibility. Employees in managerial positions realize a broad range of tasks related to leading, directing, planning, and monitoring. It is critical to note that effective realization of these tasks relies on the manager’s capability to motivate and inspire others. Perfect and precise communication is of utmost significance in this case. Average managers spend around seventy to ninety percent of their time interacting with other teams and employees at the workplace. Effective communication allows these managers to lead effectively. It is vital for managers and their followers to acquire appropriate interaction techniques as this promotes sufficient realization of tasks. Also, perfect communication in the workplace enables organizations to attain success and growth. Luthra and Dahiya (2015) assert that good leadership entails the capacity to not only take charge but also direct, stimulate, and encourage others. Good leaders possess an attitude to persuade their supporters and make them follow their goals. For leaders to realize their tasks successfully, they must be able to communicate meritoriously. Leaders must have exceptional skills sets that will…

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