Design of Lightly-Trafficked Pavements
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The design of the pavements depends on the location where the bus pad is being made. Construction engineer sometimes approves the pavement with the proper checking of the site features. Sometimes the pad has the wrong design, but the engineer approves the budget but cuts the expenses of the correct design. Turning of the blind eye when approving the pavements leads to the collapsing of the structures. Sometimes the engineers add unwanted layers to the pavements to make it strong.
Addition of extra layers adds load to the foundation which reduces the reliability of the pavement. The extra load exerted on the bus pad makes the runway weak with time and eventually collapses. The weakness of the roadway starts with the cracks in the sides and the cracks lead to loss of the ability of the granular fill to transfer the loads to the pavement foundation. This paper describes the design of pavement and the materials used for the construction.
Modern designers of the pavements take into account both the elegance and the aesthetics in the design alongside the economy and the efficiency aspects. Aesthetics part of the building is achieved through the inclusion of the architecture. Bus runways which make the many efficient structures are appealing to the eye (Freeme, 2009, 32).
General Information
Materials which are used for the construction of the pavement should conform to their functions.…
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