Findings Analysis
Findings and Analysis
As per the review of literature and studies, there is a delineation of the importance of understanding the context of power sharing. The concept is a set of principles that is practiced by an institution to allow all groups to participate in decision making of common issues (Akinele, 2000). The incentives used to address those that are vulnerable must be understood to prevent the emergence of conflict renewal. Most of the conflict(s) in Africa emerge from inequality and exclusion where some ethnic groups feel segregated from governance which inevitably leads to underdevelopment (Akinele, 2000). Similarly, the elections have often resulted in violence. This is because, despite the countries claim of supporting democracy, they care less to know if the representation is adequate. Rwanda and South Africa are among the African nations that have used as case studies to understanding power-sharing and consociationalism.
Delving further into issues of inequality, there is an understanding that the African countries such as Kenya are ‘suffering' from ethnic segregation(s). The Luos and Kikuyus of Kenya have been known to have an inescapable conflict(s) arising from a fight for power (Katho, 2013; Nyamato, 2014). These nations are classified under the category whose altercations arise from ethical differences. The North Ireland’s model advocating for consociationalism, however, works to Kenya’s advantage as it encourages the leaders to employ power-sharing strategies. In fact, Raila Odinga was…
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