Implementation of Progressive Income Tax System in Developing Countries: Case Study of Seychelles
Implementation of Progressive Income Tax System in Developing Countries: Case Study of Seychelles
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As a tool, often the government uses taxation in a move to implement economic decisions whose outcome influences multiple economic aspects. The progressive taxing system seems to have acquired its popularity among many nations and dictates that taxes need to be increased as the levels of income increase. Tax experts and other scholars have been able to link the progressive income tax system to the social impacts. In this perspective, many developing countries implement progressive taxation in an effort to achieve the equal distribution of income in the countries. Thus, this study aims at examining the effects of the introduction of the progressive income taxing system in Seychelles and how these effects contribute to the social impacts of the population of Seychelles. This makes the study focus on the equal income distribution among the taxpayers in Seychelles. The findings of the…
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