International responsibility to protect

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International responsibility to protect

Category: Business

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 146

Words: 40150

INTERNATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT A comparative examination of the human rights justifications for intervening in Afghanistan and Libya and the inaction in Syria. Name Course Date TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC o "1-3" h z u Declaration PAGEREF _Toc533269413 h 5Dedication PAGEREF _Toc533269414 h 6Acknowledgement PAGEREF _Toc533269415 h 7Abstract PAGEREF _Toc533269416 h 8ACRONYMS LIST PAGEREF _Toc533269417 h 9CHAPTER ONE PAGEREF _Toc533269418 h 10Introduction PAGEREF _Toc533269419 h 10Study Questions PAGEREF _Toc533269420 h 12Aims and Objectives of the Study PAGEREF _Toc533269427 h 12Research Methodologies and Materials PAGEREF _Toc533269429 h 13Thesis Statement of the Problem PAGEREF _Toc533269430 h 13CHAPTER TWO PAGEREF _Toc533269431 h 14Arab spring PAGEREF _Toc533269432 h 14CHAPTER THREE PAGEREF _Toc533269433 h 19The Responsibility to Protect PAGEREF _Toc533269434 h 19The theory and practice behind the responsibility to protect PAGEREF _Toc533269435 h 19R2P PAGEREF _Toc533269436 h 21Crisis for the application of the R2P principle PAGEREF _Toc533269437 h 23Responsibility to protect application proceedings PAGEREF _Toc533269438 h 25Some limitations for the responsibility to protect PAGEREF _Toc533269439 h 28Arab spring PAGEREF _Toc533269446 h 38Afghanistan war PAGEREF _Toc533269447 h 39Application of the R2P in relation to the USA invasion of Afghanistan PAGEREF _Toc533269448 h 44Legal reasons for the use of force against Afghanistan PAGEREF _Toc533269449 h 45CHAPTER THREE PAGEREF _Toc533269450 h 49Syria and Libya…

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