Literature Review

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Literature Review

Category: Business

Subcategory: Communication

Level: Masters

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Literature Review The causes of resistance in the organizations have been one of the main topics in the recent research works (Hanif, Yasir, and Arshad 186). According to Pihlak, and Ruth, many researchers have been fascinated by the impacts that historical changes have on the leadership and organizational structures (Pihlak, and Ruth 224). Many of these findings that the two authors found include the changes in India that were well planned and compared them with the organizations that are found in India and those that are in Estonia (Pihlak, and Ruth 225). This literature is also supported by the works of Sopow (Sopow 20). In these research works, the organizations in these countries have been focused on due to the influence of the market transitions that took place in the year 1990 (Sopow 20). These changes also implied that most of these organizations were urged to adapt to the changes so that they are not left behind as stated by the research by (Hanif, Yasir, and Arshad 186). As well as the varied culture and backgrounds in history, India, China and Estonia all have liberation levels that are varied (Sopow 20). It is these factors that most authors have found interesting and have decided to compare the changes in management and human resource that they have had (Hanif, Yasir, and Arshad 189). The leadership styles that are used as well as the employee employment levels are entirely different in all if the three countries. According to Sopow, in India and China, the style that is used is aristocratic (Sopow 23).…

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