Political Film Analysis
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Politics in the Film Malcolm X
Over the years, the film industry has become popular and influential in modern society. The film industry has provided entertainment for the people during their leisure time, but the mode has changed and thus focused on highlighting the social and political life of the Americans. Therefore, the media attempts to demonstrate the important cultures about the people such as racial representations. Indeed, movies have explored the quest for legitimacy and the need to displace and quell fears about the complex ideologies of racial representations (Winn 452). The film Malcolm X is important in understanding the political aspects such as Afrocentric and how these ideological stereotypes have impacted the Hollywood film industry. The film presents the issue of the hegemonic and counter-hegemonic idea that is evidenced in the media culture of the United States. Malcolm X is significant in understanding the cultural and political discourse in the times when Malcolm X lived. Therefore, the movie tries to make the viewers have a better understanding of the political discourse that is surrounded by social equality and racial ideology in the United States (453). Malcolm X is instrumental in understanding film politics, commercialization, and controversy in the United States.
Malcolm X is a movie by Spike Lee that has been acknowledged as providing an elaborate black perspective in their attempt to counter racism. Indeed, the movie is interested in…
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