Special Teachers Attitudes Towards Inclusion of Students with Special Educational Needs
Special Teachers Attitudes Towards Inclusion of Students with Special Educational Needs
In their article “Teacher Perceptions of the Regular Education Initiative” by Semmel, Abernathy, Butera, and Lesar (1991) carried out a survey of 381 elementary school teachers from 22 public schools in California and Illinois, where 71 were special teachers, 310 were regular classroom educators, 38 were ancillary personnel (such as the counselors, Bilingual educators, and Chapter 1 personnel ), and 11 were administrators. The researchers’ concentration was on the attitudes of both special and mainstream educators towards the inclusion of the pupils with mild disabilities using survey questionnaires that were submitted to the respondent to fill. The researchers concluded that the educators who participated did not support or were against the placing of special needs pupils in mainstream schools. The respondents asserted that the current resources set aside for special needs pupils should be protected. They asserted that inclusion would not improve the educational achievement of the student. Also, they claim it would negatively affect the allocation of time in the classroom for teaching the set curriculum objectives, and there were no definite social benefits for including the special needs children in mainstream learning (Semmel, Abernathy, Butera & Lesar, 1991, p. 20).
In another study by Vaughn, Schum, Jallad, Slusher & Saumell, where they based their survey on the attitude of both special and mainstream teachers…
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