The goals of punishment
The main aims of punishment as per the Criminal Justice System in the U.S. include deterrence, rehabilitation, retribution, restitution, and incapacitation (Creative Commons, 2015). Deterrence limits the occurrence of crime in future by provoking fear in an individual and the public. Deterrence may be either specific or general. Specific deterrence involves a defendant whereby after the government punishes an individual, the individual refrains from committing the crime to prevent being subjected to similar punishment. General deterrence consists of the public and functions on the basis that the public refrains from committing a crime due to the fear of the implications associated with the punishment accorded to a defendant. Incapacitation entails separating a defendant that he or she is away from the society as a strategy for preventing the occurrence of crime in future. Some of the methods used to incapacitate defendants include house arrest, capital punishment, and incarceration. Rehabilitation limits the occurrence of crime in future by changing the behavior of the convict. Some of the methods for rehabilitation include counseling, placement in treating facilities, including vocational and educational plans. Retribution limits the occurrence of crime in future by eliminating the need for revenging against the accused. Restitution involves preventing the occurrence of crime in future by punishing the accused from a financial perspective (Creative Commons, 2015).
From an individual perspective, the various models have…
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