Economic sanctions (something on your choice) (but ask firstly)

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Economic sanctions (something on your choice) (but ask firstly)

Category: Business

Subcategory: Design

Level: Masters

Pages: 66

Words: 18150

Whether economic sanctions influence fluctuations in Global Oil Prices? A Research Proposal Name of the Student Professor’s Name Institute November 29th 2018 Whether economic sanctions influence fluctuations in Global Oil Prices? A Research Proposal Section 1: Introduction Background Economic sanctions are acknowledged as one of robust and coercive diplomatic measures next that influence international relations. Sanctions are also considered as an effective alternative to military aggression in regulating the unjustified and undesirable measures that are adopted by certain nations to disturb international relations. On the contrary, some economists believe that political motives play a major role in influencing the decision of imposing sanctions on the respective nations. Likewise, certain economists speculate that sanctions are often imposed to regulate global economy. Sanctions that are witnessed globally are classified into three types; diplomatic, financial, and trade sanctions. Financial and trade sanctions are jointly referred as “economic sanctions.” Any sanction is based on three principles; signaling (expression of genuine concern over the activities of a nation), restriction (dissuading the respective nation from future misconduct), and coercion (compulsion to change the undesirable behavior of the nation in question). The world has witnessed various episodes of sanctions over the past five to six decades. In fact, the history of economic sanctions is traced back to the Peloponnesian war (Yahia…

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