Prevalent Interventions for Development of Daily Living Skills in Educational Setting

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Prevalent Interventions for Development of Daily Living Skills in Educational Setting

Category: Dissertation literature review

Subcategory: Education

Level: PhD

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Literature Review Prevalent Interventions for Development of Daily Living Skills in Educational Setting Hypotheses on the development of daily living skills in an educational setting are multifaceted but, appear not to be well grounded in both practices and issue specific intervention strategies. The gap in knowledge seems to be failing to offer theoretical frameworks in defining intervention strategies that are specific to the education setting. According to Ramdoss et al. (2011), a computer-based model is an intervention strategy that focuses on individuals with intellectual disabilities. Although Ramdoss et al. (2011) provide a theoretical model of integrating both the computer model and elements of intellectual disabilities, the model is focusing solely on taught skills (grocer purchase) rather than establishing a holistic model that encourage the understanding of different sub-domain skills that are necessary for linking specific developed daily skills. Within the framework of Ramdoss et al. (2011), criterion and hypothesis discussed, new researches including Smith et al. (2016); Gardner and Wolfe (2013) have offered a new paradigm in understanding issue-specific intervention strategies for the development of daily living skills. Gardner and Wolfe (2013) succeed in developing autism specific video modeling that targeted different functional skills. Unlike Ramdoss et al. (2011) that focused on a theoretical model of technology-based learning, Gardner and Wolfe (2013) and Smith et al. (2016) have targeted specific…

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