Student Engagement

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Student Engagement

Category: Business

Subcategory: Design

Level: Masters

Pages: 14

Words: 7700

Abstract In an organization, stakeholders are the partners who work together to see the objectives and the accomplishments are achieved. This is not different from the college or higher education settings where the students are partners of the institution. Therefore, as partners, students need to be fully engaged and incorporated into the learning process. This methodology chapter presents a discussion on the various methods that the researcher incorporated in the research on the students' engagement. The research questions were fundamental in helping the researcher to determine the appropriate ways that could get the aim of the study attained. Various learning intervention tools including tutorial meetings, faculty feedback, and Individual Learning Plan were raised in the research questions giving the researcher the direction of the study. Various philosophical understandings on the topic of student engagement were discussed in this chapter. The researcher applied different methods among them action research, appreciative inquiry, purposive sampling and other appropriate methods that could get the best results achieved. The researcher as well encountered challenges related to financing, time and limited area of coverage of the study. The methodology applied by the researcher was sound for evidence-based and accurate findings. Keywords: Engagement, learning, sample, students, teachers, institution, plan etc. Chapter: Methodology Research questions The research aimed at studying how the students’ engagement could be…

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