HIV Infection and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities

Kharsany and Karim (2016) carried out a systematic review looking into the epidemiology of HIV infections across sub-Saharan Africa covering the factors that promote high incidence and mortality rates. Moreover, it investigates the priorities for mitigating the progression of HIV to an epidemic. It considers the means of maximizing the usage of the already limited resources to achieve these objectives. These objectives were diverse making the discussion widely informative but poorly focused. Kharsany and Karim (2016) did little to describe their methods of selecting sources for their report; hence, it is impossible to note if they conducted the due diligence necessary to pick the right publications...

Questionnaire Response

Questionnaire Response Mean SD 1 v The use of computer technology in the classroom increases academic achievement 4.25 4.21 2 v The use of computer technology in the classroom results in students with ASD neglecting important traditional learning resources (e.g., library books 3.25 3.9 3 e The use of computer technology in the classroom is effective because I believe I can implement it successfully 3.5 3.38 4 v The use of computer technology in the classroom promotes student collaboration. 5.25 7.2 5 c The use of computer technology in the classroom makes classroom management more difficult 3.75 2.81 6 v The use of computer technology in the classroom promotes the development of communication skills...

The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Therapy in Treating Depression

Depression is one of the most common mood disorders on earth, but also one of the most serious. It associates feelings of sadness and hopelessness and is the leading course of suicides of all times (Symonds & Anderson, 2012). Early treatment of the condition requires early diagnosis and intervention through various methods developed by specialists. Dysthymia, on the other hand, is a form of depression that is much milder but persistent (Symonds & Anderson, 2012). It can go on over two years, slowly affecting an individual and feeding their loneliness and hopelessness. Interpersonal therapy is a form of conversational therapy that focuses on patterns in the relationships that people form...


Compare and contrast the basic tenets of both traditional and community-based styles of policing. How is traditional policing different from community-based styles of policing? In both forms of policing, the officers receive calls and offer their responses. The traditional system was characterized by reactive bureaucracy and stringent management while the community-based style encompasses dynamism, transparency, and integration with the community (Cox, Marchionna & Fitch, 2015). The traditional system also received calls, offered responses, and closed the cases. The community-based style, on the other hand, placed never closed cases but rather compared them to other occurring cases to form a...

A Report on Solar Photovoltaic Energy

Renewable energy refers to the kind of energy whose source does not get depleted when used. This includes energy obtained from wind and solar power. On the other hand, non-renewable sources of energy constitute the particular energy whose source gets depleted once the energy is produced. Some of the sources of non-renewable energy include coal and fossils. It is economical for various energy organs within different parts of the world to supply energy from renewable sources to address the increasing energy demand that must have resulted from reduced energy being obtained from non-renewable sources that are at the threat of depletion. St. Eustatius Island is a Caribbean Island that is undergoing an...

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