Experimental treatment codes

Table 1: Color properties Experimental treatment codes T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 L 56.09±0.22a 44.38±0.33a 50.88±0.44a 49.73±1.19a 47.11±1.40a 43.82±2.75a a -0.15±0.01a 10.56±0.78c 9.93±0.97c 9.74±0.61c 8.83±0.99b 6.98±0.90b b 11.37±0.04b 15.18±0.01b 16.75±0.56b 11.89±1.15b 12.24±0.45b 11.71±1.08c Data are given as mean values ± standard deviation (n = 3). Different letters within the same row indicate significant differences (Tukey’s test, p < 0.05) between mean values. In this table T1 in b should be labeled as “b”, T3 in L should be labeled as “a”, T4 in L should be labeled as “a” and in b should be labeled as “b”, T5 in L should be labeled “a” and in b...

Student Engagement

Abstract In an organization, stakeholders are the partners who work together to see the objectives and the accomplishments are achieved. This is not different from the college or higher education settings where the students are partners of the institution. Therefore, as partners, students need to be fully engaged and incorporated into the learning process. This methodology chapter presents a discussion on the various methods that the researcher incorporated in the research on the students' engagement. The research questions were fundamental in helping the researcher to determine the appropriate ways that could get the aim of the study attained. Various learning intervention tools including tutorial...

Sugar tax

SUGAR TAX CONSUMPTION AND SPENDING Name Course Tutor's Name University City and State Date Sugar Tax Consumption and Spending There has been a lot of debate on whether or not sugar should be subjected to tax or not. While taxing sugar, the effect will not only be felt by sugar products but also on the consumer. Consumers will be affected by the way they consume as well as spend on sugar products. The research will be conducted to examine the effect of taxing sugar on consumption and spending patterns of consumers. One would wonder why the sudden concern about taxing sugar products. Recently, there has been a rise in cases such as obesity which has been directly linked to increased...

Step 1: Literature Search Question (LSQ)

Literature Search Question (LSQ) Name Institution Appropriate research topic: The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most commonly used therapy for people with numerous kinds of problems. It is an approach which is broadly used in psychotherapy to help people with mental issues. This is the research topic in this dissertation. Questions related to this topic The following Literature Search Questions (LSQs) that are related to this topic: What does the literature in psychology tell us about the advantages and disadvantages of using cognitive behavior therapy for treating schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders? What does the...

Subjective Recruiting and Hiring

Unbiased Hiring Process Cannot Be Resolved with Artificial Intelligence Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Unbiased Hiring Process Cannot Be Resolved with Artificial Intelligence Introduction The hiring process involves the interviewers hiring the highly qualified employee for a specific position in a company. As a result, not all applicants who apply for a particular position get to be hired. There exists a specific criterion that interviewers or a company use in hiring or selecting potential employees for a vacancy. The criterion can be subjective or objective. Subjective recruitment process involves personal feelings, opinions, and perspectives of the interviewer interfering with...

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Self-directed Learning Readiness among Nurses in Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals

Self-directed Learning Readiness among Nurses in Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTIONThe ability to demonstrate self-directed learning amongst nurses is perceived as an essential element of professional practice amongst them. Self-directed Learning (SDL) plays a key role in enabling nurses to continue updating and advancing their knowledge throughout their professional career. Nursing education and practice have currently been changing, and there is a need keep pace and continue supporting the nurses in the areas of critical thinking, creativity, and the problem-solving. The increase in the complexity of the obligations and the roles in the health care sector require the...

Should the UN intervene into to oppressive regimes?

Should The UN Intervene Into To Oppressive Regimes? A comparative examination of the legal and human rights justifications for intervening in Afghanistan and Libya and the inaction in Syria. Name Institution Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u Declaration PAGEREF _Toc528254492 h 3Abstract PAGEREF _Toc528254493 h 5Introduction PAGEREF _Toc528254494 h 6Study Questions PAGEREF _Toc528254495 h 8Aims and Objectives of the Study PAGEREF _Toc528254496 h 9Research Methodology and Material PAGEREF _Toc528254497 h 9Statement of the Thesis Problem PAGEREF _Toc528254498 h 10Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc528254499 h 11Role of the United Nations PAGEREF _Toc528254500 h 11Findings and Discussion PAGEREF...

SME Mobile B2B Application 2

SME Mobile B2B Application Developing a business app for company X to meet the functional, structural, and resource requirement objectives should be based on several attributes to ensure that it addresses the needs of the business. Overall, the current literature on the use of smartphone apps is encouraging. According to a research conducted by Dennison et al., (2013), customers prefer the flexible apps given the ease of use and tracking as well as the wealth of information they can acquire about the products and services of an entity. The owner of a smartphone can access the apps at any time, thus providing convenience to the users. In this regard, the project leading to the development of an app...

SME Product Development A3 Map

SME PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT A3 MAP By Class Tutor Course Date SME PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT A3 MAP Client’s Requirement Mobile apps are a significant development that revolutionizes business transactions. In the last three years, mobile phone use has increased by 57.5 percent, while the time spent on mobile apps is approximately 80 percent. This indicates the potential for using mobile apps in business. Given the potential provided by mobile apps, the aim is to develop a scoping study to determine the requirements of developing a business app by Company X. This study shall strengthen Company X’s potential to: Be Visible to customers at all times Create a direct marketing channel Provide value...

Result and analysis

Result and analysis of Energy Audit in Saudi Arabian Mosque Results and Analysis The identification of the energy baseline and infrastructure benchmarking has facilitated the provisioning of potential for energy saving in the Al-Noor Mosque. This section will focus on different energy saving opportunities through simulation of different scenarios and EEM models. It is also of vital importance to assess the performance of the mosque based on different engineering design along with operational strategies by the utilization of data gathered in energy audit of Al-Noor Mosque. The relationship between the climatic changes in Jeddah and its impact on the energy utilization is also of importance considering...