Sustainable Concrete

Sustainable Concrete Name University Abstract The research on sustainable materials has mainly been based on wastes from industrial processes and recyclable materials and how they can be used in construction. The primary objective has been to ensure the utilization of materials that ensure the preservation of the environment, save materials and ensure that the materials used are durable. Some of the cementitious components used are rice husk ash, silica fume and fly ash and have been shown to make concrete more durable. Sustainable concrete requires little energy, leads to minimize waste production, is made from materials that exist in abundance in nature, is made with recycled or recyclable...

Student Engagement

Abstract In an organization, stakeholders are the partners who work together to see the objectives and the accomplishments are achieved. This is not different from the college or higher education settings where the students are partners of the institution. Therefore, as partners, students need to be fully engaged and incorporated into the learning process. This methodology chapter presents a discussion on the various methods that the researcher incorporated in the research on the students' engagement. The research questions were fundamental in helping the researcher to determine the appropriate ways that could get the aim of the study attained. Various learning intervention tools including tutorial...

Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly

Methodology and methodThe qualitative method was preferred to quantitative for this systematic review due to the limitation of the data available and the design of the study. Regarding ethics, the study seeks a systematized review on only researched based literature that has made the standard ethical requirement. My sources of the review will be approved by the Institution Review Board to ascertain their ethical content and for ethical approval. Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly Search strategyI designed search strategy to retrieve data from the original research published in English between 2008 and 2017 on the topic. The main concepts used were social activity and effects...

Should the UN intervene into to oppressive regimes?

Should The UN Intervene Into To Oppressive Regimes? A comparative examination of the legal and human rights justifications for intervening in Afghanistan and Libya and the inaction in Syria. Name Institution Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u Declaration PAGEREF _Toc528254492 h 3Abstract PAGEREF _Toc528254493 h 5Introduction PAGEREF _Toc528254494 h 6Study Questions PAGEREF _Toc528254495 h 8Aims and Objectives of the Study PAGEREF _Toc528254496 h 9Research Methodology and Material PAGEREF _Toc528254497 h 9Statement of the Thesis Problem PAGEREF _Toc528254498 h 10Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc528254499 h 11Role of the United Nations PAGEREF _Toc528254500 h 11Findings and Discussion PAGEREF...

Self-directed Learning Readiness among Nurses in Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals

Self-directed Learning Readiness among Nurses in Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTIONThe ability to demonstrate self-directed learning amongst nurses is perceived as an essential element of professional practice amongst them. Self-directed Learning (SDL) plays a key role in enabling nurses to continue updating and advancing their knowledge throughout their professional career. Nursing education and practice have currently been changing, and there is a need keep pace and continue supporting the nurses in the areas of critical thinking, creativity, and the problem-solving. The increase in the complexity of the obligations and the roles in the health care sector require the...

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Child Development

A child's development is connected to various behaviors and activities that children engage in during their unstructured time. Child development is usually difficult to define due to complexities in the behavior. However, play is an important aspect of a child's physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. Play accounts for a greater proportion of primary school and preschool children exposed to different physical opportunities. The time spent by children in outdoor activities in the school environment contributes greatly to their development as well as exposing children to other physical opportunities. The frequency and duration of play enable children to develop physical and social...

Result and analysis

Result and analysis of Energy Audit in Saudi Arabian Mosque Results and Analysis The identification of the energy baseline and infrastructure benchmarking has facilitated the provisioning of potential for energy saving in the Al-Noor Mosque. This section will focus on different energy saving opportunities through simulation of different scenarios and EEM models. It is also of vital importance to assess the performance of the mosque based on different engineering design along with operational strategies by the utilization of data gathered in energy audit of Al-Noor Mosque. The relationship between the climatic changes in Jeddah and its impact on the energy utilization is also of importance considering...

Redesign curriculum of accounting

Redesign the Accounting Curriculum Recently accounting has made significant impacts on political and socioeconomic developments especially in interpretation, recording, investment, management, auditing, and preparing. Also, more impacts in decision making include; storage, merger and acquisition, planning and controlling of business operations. There are factors which have led to redesigning of accounting curriculum and include; innovation, globalization, changes in business environment, skills required for an accountant to play his role effectively and the experiences learners need to improve on their previous experiences to move broader and deeper and more complex application and understanding....

Psychoanalysis Treatment in Addiction

Abstract Substance abuse or addiction is the compulsion to use a specific type of drug on a continuous basis without having to realize its negative impacts. Even if these victims realize these effects, they are unable to get rid of this bad habit. With many methods suggested to improve the condition of these addicts, one of the most common ones is psychoanalysis. This is a way to use human brain to assist him to overcome this compulsion. This study is targeted to analyze the strength of role psychoanalysis plays in treating substance abuse. For the research, primary data is collected from healthcare providers and they have some deep insights into the matter. The final results of the study are not...

Implementation of Progressive Income Tax System in Developing Countries: Case Study of Seychelles

Implementation of Progressive Income Tax System in Developing Countries: Case Study of Seychelles Declaration I have read and understood the regulations concerning plagiarism. I undertake that all material presented for examination is my work and has not been written for me, in whole or in part, by any other person(s). I undertake that any quotation or paraphrase from the published or unpublished work of another person has been duly acknowledged in the work which I present for examination. I permit for a copy of my dissertation to be held at the School's discretion, following final examination, to be made available for reference Abstract As a tool, often the government uses taxation in a move...